[package] name = "libindy" version = "1.12.0" authors = ["Hyperledger Indy Contributors "] edition = "2018" description = "This is the official SDK for Hyperledger Indy (https://www.hyperledger.org/projects), which provides a distributed-ledger-based foundation for self-sovereign identity (https://sovrin.org). The major artifact of the SDK is a c-callable library." license = "MIT/Apache-2.0" build = "build.rs" [lib] name = "indy" path = "src/lib.rs" crate-type = ["staticlib", "rlib", "cdylib"] [features] default = ["bn_openssl", "ed25519_sign_sodium", "ed25519_box_sodium", "sealedbox_sodium", "base58_rust_base58", "base64_rust_base64", "xsalsa20_sodium", "chacha20poly1305_ietf_sodium", "pair_amcl", "hash_openssl", "local_nodes_pool", "revocation_tests", "pwhash_argon2i13_sodium", "hmacsha256_sodium", "memzero_sodium", "randombytes_sodium"] bn_openssl = ["openssl", "int_traits"] ed25519_sign_sodium = ["sodiumoxide"] ed25519_box_sodium = ["sodiumoxide"] sealedbox_sodium = ["sodiumoxide"] base58_rust_base58 = ["rust-base58"] base64_rust_base64 = ["base64"] xsalsa20_sodium = ["sodiumoxide"] chacha20poly1305_ietf_sodium = ["sodiumoxide"] pwhash_argon2i13_sodium = ["sodiumoxide"] pair_amcl = ["ursa"] hash_openssl = ["openssl"] local_nodes_pool = [] revocation_tests = [] force_full_interaction_tests = [] sodium_static = [] hmacsha256_sodium = ["sodiumoxide"] memzero_sodium = ["sodiumoxide"] randombytes_sodium = ["sodiumoxide"] only_high_cases = [] # Causes the build to fail on all warnings fatal_warnings = [] [dependencies] int_traits = { version = "0.1.1", optional = true } env_logger = "0.6.2" etcommon-rlp = "0.2.4" failure = "0.1.5" hex = "0.3.2" libc = "0.2.60" log = "0.4.8" log-derive = "0.3.0" derivative = "1.0.2" dirs = "2.0.2" openssl = { version = "0.10", optional = true } backtrace = "=0.3.11" owning_ref = "0.4" rand = "0.7.0" rusqlite = "0.20" # Make sure rusqlite for android is also bumped with this. Rusqlite for android is at the bottom of this document. rust-base58 = {version = "0.0.4", optional = true} base64 = {version = "0.10.1", optional = true} serde = "1.0.99" serde_json = "1.0.40" serde_derive = "1.0.99" sha2 = "0.8" sha3 = "0.8" rmp-serde = "0.13.7" sodiumoxide = {version = "0.0.16", optional = true} time = "0.1.42" threadpool = "1.7.1" zmq = "0.9.1" lazy_static = "1.3" named_type = "0.2.1" named_type_derive = "0.2.1" byteorder = "1.3.2" log-panics = "2.0.0" zeroize = "0.9.3" regex = "1.2.1" ursa = { version = "0.2.0", optional = true } indy-api-types = { path = "./indy-api-types"} indy-utils = { path = "./indy-utils"} indy-wallet = { path = "./indy-wallet"} [dependencies.uuid] version = "0.7.4" default-features = false features = ["v4"] [target.'cfg(target_os = "android")'.dependencies] android_logger = "0.5" [target.'cfg(any(target_os = "android", target_os = "ios"))'.dependencies] rusqlite = { version = "0.20", features=["bundled"] } [dev-dependencies] criterion = "0.2" indy = { path = "../wrappers/rust" } indy-sys = { path = "../wrappers/rust/indy-sys" } futures = "0.1.28" [[bench]] name = "wallet" harness = false